Who We Are
Our vision is to provide financial assistance and programs that could change a student's life.
We partner with churches to create Community Youth Groups and, through generous donors, provide funding for events that build Christian friendships and a sense of belonging with their local church groups. Our goal is to then provide Bible studies for youth who want to dig deeper and develop a truly personal relationship with their Lord and Savior. Youth who desire to share their faith are encouraged to attend a week-long Worldview Academy (WA) camp and explore mission opportunities through Teen Mission International (TMI). Students can apply for partial scholarships for WA and TMI through AYM. We aspire to build strong Christian leaders who will exemplify the Christ-filled life wherever they are called to serve.
AYM provides scholarships to individual students to help support them in furthering their walk with Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Who We Are & What We Do
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1999: Police officers involved in youth prison ministry came together to answer the need of a Christian youth ministry that would impact our youth before they became involved with gangs, drugs, and other criminal activity that would negatively affect the rest of their lives. From this need that God had put on their hearts, Agape Youth Ministry (AYM) was formed.
2001: AYM expanded its outreach from serving inner city kids in the Phoenix metro area and built a ranch in southern Arizona which held weekend/week/month long youth camps, featuring equine & canine programs and a 12-month Academy for at-risk boys.
AYM transitioned from only serving at-risk youth to also hosting church groups.
2016: AYM sold Agape Youth Ranch to GAP Ministries for its Foster Care Program. GAP Ministries also assumed the livestock from Perdue Ranch.
2019: AYM partnered with White Mountain Youth INC, a non-denominational youth ministry in the White Mountains of Arizona to provide financial backing for Community Youth Group Events.
2020: AYM developed its outreach programs: Community Youth Groups, Dig Deeper Bible School, and the Youth Leadership Program.

Statement of Faith
We believe there is one, true Eternal God who exists in three persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible, consisting of 66 books, is the inspired Word of God and is completely true and trustworthy; the Bible serves as our perfect guide.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life and shed His blood as the perfect sacrificial substitute to atone for our sins.
We believe that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, was buried and raised from the dead on the third day. We believe that He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of Almighty God.
We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict the lost, seal the believer until the time of Christ's return, and to allow and equip believers to let Christ spiritually live through them. We believe that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor whom the Father has sent in the name of Jesus to teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus has said.
We believe that every person is born with a sinful nature, is spiritually dead, and cannot please God until Jesus Christ gives him or her His gift of salvation and eternal life.
We believe salvation from sin, spiritual death, and hell is given by God's grace (unmerited pardon).
Salvation must be received by faith alone, apart from any human performance or merit. It is a free gift of God to anyone who personally places his or her confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His finished work on the Cross.
We are dedicated to helping our students achieve the values necessary to lead a fruitful life by instilling the Christian virtues of human worth, honesty, and respect in addition to showing them the love of Jesus Christ.
We are a single team of Board Members and Volunteers working together to develop plans to further the mission of AYM. We unite behind our ministry's priorities, standards, and decisions.
We acknowledge that our God uses people to fulfill the vision that He has given Agape Youth Ministry and that each individual has been called by God to help fulfill that vision with their God given gifts.
We are personally and collectively responsible for maintaining the Christian ethics of this ministry. We hold our actions as individuals and as a ministry before the throne of God.